



1990年 获得 工学博士学位(不列颠哥伦比亚大学)

办公地址:中国传媒大学 国重大楼8层






  • Li Fang, Wei Zhong, Long Ye, Ran Li and Qin Zhang, “Light Field Reconstruction With a Hybrid Sparse Regularization-Pseudo 4DCNN Framework,” in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 171009-171020, 2020.

  • Fei Hu, Long Ye, Wei Zhong, Li Fang and Qin Zhang, “Deep Auxiliary Learning for Point Cloud Generation”, IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 18538-18545, 2020.

  • Fei Hu, Long Ye, Wei Zhong, Li Fang, Yun Tie, Qin Zhang, “Semantic based autoencoder-attention 3D reconstruction network”, Graphical Models, 2019, 106.

  • Xufen Cai, Long Ye, and Qin Zhang. “Ensemble learning particle swarm optimization for real-time UWB indoor localization.”; EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking; 2018.1 (2018): 125.

  • Li Fang, Long Ye, Yun Tie, Wei Zhong, Qin Zhang, “Design of Linear-Phase Nonsubsampled Nonuniform Directional Filter Bank with Arbitrary Directional Partitioning,” Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, vol. 51, pp. 23-28, February 2018.

  • Wei Zhong, Li Fang, Qin Zhang, Long Ye, “Design of oversampled nonuniform filter banks with arbitrary rational frequency partitioning,” Signal, Image and Video Processing, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 689-696, May 2017.

  • Li Fang, Wei Zhong, Qin Zhang, “Design of M-channel linear-phase nonuniform filter banks with arbitrary rational sampling factors,” IET Signal Processing, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 106-114, March 2016.

  • Chuanzhen Li, Bailiang Su, Jingling Wang, Hui Wang, Qin Zhang, “Human Action Recognition Using Multi-Velocity STIPs and Motion Energy Orientation Histogram,” Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 2014, 30 (2): 295-312.

  • Wei Zhong, Qin Zhang, Xuemei Xie, Guangming Shi and Bin Peng, “Design of M-channel linear-phase wavelet-like filter banks using FIR notch filters,” Journal of Computational Information Systems, vol. 9, no. 15, pp. 6037-6046, August 2013.

  • Wei Zhong, Li Li and Qin Zhang, “Necessary conditions on sampling factors for nonuniform filter banks satisfying perfect reconstruction property,” Information Technology Journal, vol. 12, no. 17, pp. 3991-3995, Dec. 2013.

  • Yutian Wang, Hui Wang, Qin Zhang, “Nonlinear Distortion Identification based on Intra-wave Frequency Modulation,” Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, 2012, 6(3), 689-695.

  • Danling Wang, Qin Zhang, John Morris, “Distributed Markov Chain Monte Carlo Kernel based Particle Filtering for Object Tracking,” Multimedia Tools and Applications 56.2 (2012): 303-314.

  • Yaqing Niu, Matthew Kyan, Sridhar Krishnan, and Qin Zhang. “A combined just noticeable distortion model–guided image watermarking.” Signal, Image and Video Processing 5.4 (2011): 517-526.

  • Yaqing Niu, Sridhar Krishnan, Qin Zhang, “Spatio-temporal just noticeable distortion model guided video watermarking,” International Journal of Digital Crime and Forensics, Special Issue on Intelligent Multimedia Security and Forensics, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 16-36, Oct.-Dec. 2010.

  • Long Ye, Qin Zhang, and Ling Guan. “Use hierarchical genetic particle filter to figure articulated human tracking.” Multimedia and Expo, 2008 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2008.


  • 国家自然科学基金重点项目,“历史影音资料音频修复方法与关键技术研究”,项目编号:61631016,2017年1月-2021年12月,主持

  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目,“基于广义建模理论的多原子库图像编码方法研究”,项目编号:61371191,2014年1月-2017年12月,主持

  • 国家科技支撑计划子课题,“立体电视技术体系架构及内容直播技术与应用研究”,项目编号:2012BAH39F00,2013年1月-2015年12月,主持

  • 国家自然科学基金重点项目,“三维音频基础理论与关键技术研究”,项目编号:61231015,2013年1月-2017年12月,参与

  • 国家自然科学基金重点项目,“基于统计模型与运动基的物体解析与视频重构方法”,项目编号:60832004,2009年1月-2012年12月,主持

  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目,“智能粒子滤波器及其在人体运动跟踪中的应用”,项目编号:60572041,2006年1月-2008年12月,主持


  • 曾获美国高层次人才“杰出科学家与学者”称号


  • 媒介音视频教育部重点实验室主任


  • 现代通信技术(课程编号b000020081 博一上 博士生)


  • 081001 通信与信息系统 04智能网络与大数据 博士

  • 081001 通信与信息系统 05虚拟现实技术 学术硕士
