关于填写《居住和旅行信息确认单》的通知 Notice on Residence and Travelling Information Confirmation



Notice on Residence and Travelling Information Confirmation






For the prevention of pneumonia caused by Novel Conronavirus, Communication University of China must keep an accurate record of residence and travelling information of all the international students. Now all international students of Communication University of China are required to fill in the Form of Residence and Travelling Information Confirmation and send it back to the corresponding teachers immediately. You can complete the form either in English or Chinese. If no printer is available for you, you can copy and fill up the form on a sheet of paper totally by handwriting in either English or Chinese. Please send the scanned copy or a photo of the completed form to your contact teacher before 12:00, March 11th, 2020.  For the detailed contact information, please find it at the bottom of the blank form.  In case of some failures in the email transmission, we suggest you send the scanned copy or photo via WeChat. 


Please note that you must fill up the form and send it again when you have travelled to another town or city. Your kind cooperation will be greatly appreciated!




Communication University of China


March 9th, 2020


