

Chinese Government Scholarship Programs
Communication University of China
In order to strengthen mutual understanding and friendship between Chinese people and people of other countries, and to develop cooperation and exchange in fields of education and culture, Chinese government has set up a series of scholarship schemes to sponsor international students, professors and scholars to undertake studies and research in Chinese institutions of higher education. Designated by Ministry of Education, Communication University of China is one of the receiving universities of international students funded by Chinese Government Scholarship.
Types of Scholarships and Application Methods
Bilateral Program is established upon agreements or understanding of educational cooperation and exchange reached with governments, institutions, school or related international organizations. It consists of both full and partial scholarship for undergraduate students, graduate students, and visiting scholars. Applicants should apply to institutions in charge of dispatching students for overseas studies in their home countries.
University Postgraduate Program is established by Ministry of Education aiming to support Chinese institutes of higher education to directly recruit outstanding international students pursuing graduate degrees. It consists of full scholarship for graduate students. Applicants should directly apply to Communication University of China each year in spring semester.

The Great Wall Fellowship is established by Ministry of Education for candidates recommended by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). It consists of full scholarship for visiting scholars. Applicants should apply to National Commission of UNESCO in their home countries.
EU Window Program is established by Ministry of Education for students from member states of the European Union. It consists of full scholarship for undergraduate students, graduate students and visiting scholars. Applicants should apply to Education & Cultural Office, Mission of P. R China to the European Union.

China/AUN Scholarship Program is established by Ministry of Education for students from member states of Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). It consists of full scholarship for graduate students. Applicants should apply to the ASEAN University Network Secretariat.
China/Pacific Islands Forum Program is established by Ministry of Education for students from member states of Pacific Islands Forum (PIF). It consists of full scholarship for undergraduate students, graduate students and visiting scholars. Applicants should apply to PIF Secretariat.
Duration of Study for Chinese Government Scholarship Students
Scholarship students should complete their study within designated duration. In normal situation, major and duration of study as specified in Letter of Admission cannot be changed.
学生类别 专业学习期限 汉语补习(预科)期限 奖学金资助期限
本 科 生 4学年 不超过2学年 4—6学年
硕士研究生 2—3学年 不超过2学年 2—5学年
博士研究生 3学年 不超过2学年 3—5学年
普通进修生 不超过1学年 不超过1学年 不超过2学年
高级进修生 不超过1学年 不超过1学年 不超过2学年
Student Type Duration of Major Study Duration of Remedial Chinese Language Study Duration of
Undergraduate Degree Student 4 School Years Up to 2 School Years 4—6 School Years 
Master’s Degree Student 2-3 School Years Up to 2 School Years 2—5 School Years
Doctoral Degree Student 3 School Years Up to 2 School Years 3—5 School Years
General Scholar Up to 1 School Year Up to 1 School Year Up to 2 School Years
Senior Scholar Up to 1 School Year Up to 1 School Year Up to 2 School Years
Values of Chinese Government Scholarship
Chinese Government Scholarship consists of full scholarship and partial scholarship. Partial scholarship consists of one or several items of full scholarship as specified in Letter of Admission. Full scholarship consists of:
●Exempt from registration fee and tuition fee
●Free on campus dormitory accommodation
●Monthly subsidy at the following rates:
Undergraduate Student: ¥2,500
Master’s Degree Student & General Scholar: ¥3,000
Doctoral Degree Student & Senior Scholar: ¥3,500
● Free international students’ medical insurance
Application to University Postgraduate Program
Applicant should meet the following criteria:
●Have obtained Bachelor’s degree and plan to pursue Master’s Degree at Communication University of China (CUC), or have obtained Master’s Degree and plan to pursue Doctoral Degree at CUC.
●Or for citizen of the United States, have graduated from senior high school and plan to pursue Bachelor’s Degree at CUC
● If have attended degree program in China, have graduated from that program before September 2015.
●申请中文授课研究生项目的学生须提交180分以上的HSK6级证书, 申请中文授课本科项目的学生须提交180分以上的HSK5级证书,或在来华留学网上报名平台提交申请时在“是否补习汉语”的选项中选择“是”,并提交其它形式的中文水平证明或培训证明
Applicant should submit the following application materials:
● Apply at China Scholarship Council application online system http://laihua.csc.edu.cn/
Please Note: Agency Number of Communication University of China is 10033
● Print out Application Form as generated by the system and sign
● Applicant of Master’s Degree Program should submit notarized Bachelor’s Degree Diploma or Certificate of expected graduation from currently enrolled university, and transcript of undergraduate study
● Applicant of Doctoral Degree Program should submit notarized Bachelor’s Degree Diploma, notarized Master’s Degree Diploma or Certificate of expected graduation from currently enrolled university, and transcripts of undergraduate and graduate study
● Applicant of Bachelor’s Degree Program from the United States should submit notarized Graduate Certificate of senior high school or Certificate of expected graduation from currently enrolled senior high school, and transcript of senior high school study
● HSK Level-6 report over 180 for applicant of graduate program taught in Chinese, HSK Level-5 report over 180 for applicant of Bachelor’s Degree program taught in Chinese, or choose Yes for “Do You Need Elementary Chinese Study Prior to Major Study” section at China Scholarship Council Application online system and submit other forms of Chinese language proficiency test reports or training certificates
● TOEFL or IELTS report for applicant of program taught in English, if English proficiency is not demonstrated by previous education, working experience, etc.
●Passport or one other form of identification if passport is not available
● Research Proposal to demonstrate previous knowledge in proposed field of study and research capability. Writing should be in teaching language of applied program. For Master’s Degree program should be more than 2000 words, for Doctoral Degree program should be more than 3000 words. If having difficulty writing in Chinese, please choose to attend Remedial Chinese Language study and write in English.
● Recommendation Letter(s)
Physical Examination Record for Foreigner form with blood test result (see form as attached)
● Personal Statement and other materials to demonstrate motivation and talents of the applicant (optional)
Please Note: If the language of any application material is not Chinese or English, please provide notarized translation in Chinese or English.
中国北京市朝阳区定福庄东街1号 中国传媒大学 30楼 学生国际交流部 102室 留学生办公室
电话:+86-10-6577-9359 电子邮件:anqiliu19867@126.com
Please mail, or scan and email a complete set of application material to:
International Students’ Office, School of International Education
Communication University of China
Room 102, Building 30, No. 1 Dingfuzhuang East Road
Chaoyang District, Beijing 100024
People’s Republic of China
Tel: +86-10-6577-9359 Email: anqiliu19867@126.com
For students submit application materials by scan and email, please bring all original materials upon registration for verification if admitted by CUC.
Deadline for accepting application materials is April 10th, 2016
Remedial Chinese Language Study and Criteria for Starting Major Study
Undergraduate student who does not meet Chinese language proficiency requirement should enroll in preparatory course at university designated by China Scholarship Council for 1 school year. After completing preparatory course, student can start major study at CUC.
Graduate student of programs in Chinese language who does not meet Chinese language proficiency requirement should take Remedial Chinese Language Courses at CUC for 1 school year. After passing HSK Level-5 test and submitting test report to International Students’ Office, student can start major study.
Annual Evaluation of Scholarship Status
Scholarship student whose duration of study is more than 1 school year must pass the evaluation at the end of each school year to obtain scholarship for the next school year. CUC will comprehensively evaluate student in aspects of academic record, class attendance, behavior, student’s self-assessment etc. If student failed evaluation, scholarship for the next school year will be suspended or deprived.
Insurance and Medical Care

奖学金生免费享有平安养老保险股份有限公司来华人员综合保险保障计划。如住院、遭受意外伤害;或学年内门诊医疗费用累计超过650元,学生可向平安保险公司提出理赔。 详情请查询官方网站中的方案二http://www.lxbx.net/index.html
Scholarship student enjoys Comprehensive Insurance & Protection Scheme for Foreigners Staying in China of Ping An Annuity Insurance Company. If student is hospitalized, injured by accident, or have paid for outpatient medical care exceed ¥650 within one school year, student can submit claim to Ping An insurance company for reimbursement. For more information please visit official website of the insurance and see to Scheme 2: http://www.lxbx.net/lxbx-eng.html
Accommodation Arrangement
Scholarship student enjoys free accommodation at international students’ dormitories on campus. Doctoral student is provided with a private room. Student of other types shares a room with one roommate. Designated room can be used by the student only. Rooms are reserved in advance for new student. Student transferring from college of preparatory courses to CUC enjoys free accommodation from September 1st. Other types of students enjoy free accommodation from 3 days prior to date of registration as stated on Letter of Admission.
Students need to pay deposit of ¥1000 upon check-in to the dormitory.
Special Notice
10033 is the Agency Number for Communication University of China in China Scholarship Council online application system.
Monthly subsidy is issued before 10th of each month to student’s China Construction Bank debit card. If card is lost or if card number is changed, student should immediate register new card number at International Students’ Office, otherwise student may not be able to receive monthly subsidy.
During holidays, monthly subsidy will be issued in normal amount. Upon graduation, monthly subsidy will be issued until 15 days after graduation ceremony.
For more information please visit the website of China Scholarship Council http://www.csc.edu.cn/
Accessory, Physical Examination Record for Foreigner

