

(1) 通过拍摄北京的自然风光、城乡居民、名胜古迹,展示北京的自然风光之美、城乡建筑之美、文化传承之美
(2) 通过记录身边的感人瞬间、拍摄北京人的生活场景,展示精神面貌之美和温暖人情之美
(1) 突出“美丽北京”主题
(2) 真实原创(不接收电脑创意作品)
(3) 本人拍摄作品
二、 截稿时间:2013年10月31日
七、 双方权益
地址: 北京市东城区南河沿大街97号
电话:+86 10 6514 0059/6521 2270
传真:+86 10 6514 0109
2013 Beautiful Beijing in the Eyes of Foreign Friends Photo Contest Invitation
Beijing, with a history of 3,000 years as a city, is rapidly becoming a modern international metropolis. It has taken on a new look with its natural scenery, ancient architecture and cultural relics now carefully integrated with its modern urban architectural magnificence and new rural construction. To help foreign friends learn more about today’s Beijing, the Beijing People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries is inviting photographers of all skill levels to participate in the 2013 Beautiful Beijing in the Eyes of Foreign Friends Photo Contest. Please read the following items and sign up to participate in this worthwhile event.
1. Qualification for participating: non-Chinese nationals.
2. Theme: Beautiful Beijing
Participants should photograph Beijing’s natural scenery, urban and rural residences and residents, places of great interest and historic sites with an emphasis on the beauty of the subjects photographed;
Participants should focus on touching moments and daily stories that reveal the beauty in people’s hearts as well as their love and concern for society.
3. Photo requirements:
Photos should reflect the “Beautiful Beijing” theme.
All photographs submitted should be original, unretouched photographs of real subjects. (Computer-generated or modified images will not be accepted.)
Photos shall be taken by the contest participants who submit them.
4. Deadline for submitting photos: October 31, 2013
5. E-mail Drop Box: bjeyes@photobtmbeijing.com
6. Evaluation:
An expert panel of judges will evaluate the submitted photos. Three hundred excellent photos will be selected during the initial evaluation. The panel will select 50 photos from the 300 photos as prize-winners. Prizes will be awarded accordingly: first prize: 2contirbutors,10,000 yuan per contributor; second prize: 4 contributors, 5,000 yuan per contributor; third prize: 8 contributors, 3,000 yuan per contributor; prize of excellence: 36 contributors, 500 yuan per contributor.
7. Sponsors:
Beijing People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries
Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Beijing Municipality
Information Office of the People’s Government of Beijing Municipality
Beijing Municipal Education Commission
Beijing Municipal Bureau of Foreign Experts Affairs
Beijing Non-Governmental Organization Association for International Exchanges
Beijing Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment
Beijing Disabled Persons’ Federation
Beijing Charity Association
8. Supporting Media
China Radio International、China.org.cn/China.com.cn、www.people.com.cn、China Daily、Beijing This Month Publications、www. ebeijing. Gov.cn、www.zhaobeijing.com,
9、Rights of the Organizing Committee and the Participants:
(1) The Organizing Committee has a perpetual and unlimited use right to the photos submitted and may use them in exhibitions and publications.
(2) Any responsibility involving copyrights, portrait rights and the rights of reputation of the photos should be borne by the photographer.
(3) The Organizing Committee of the photo contest reserves the right of final explanation in these matters.
10、Consult & Contact
Address: Office of the Organizing Committee of the Photo Contest: Beijing Spirit in the Eyes of Foreign Friends
97 Nanheyan Dajie, Dongcheng District, Beijing 100006, People’s Republic of China
Tel: +86 -10 -6514 -0059;  6521- 2270
Fax: +86 -10- 6514 -0109
E-mail: bjeyes@photobtmbeijing.com
Person to Contact: Ms. Yu Zhou; Ms. Liu Mei
Please download the Entry Form of the Photo Contest via http://www.bjyx.org.cn or http://www.btmbeijing.com, fill in the form and send it to bjeyes@photobtmbeijing.com
